Lets talk about another favorite lippie!!! Bicara soal lipstick itu buat aku ga ada habisnya beb, gimana donk ya, bisa dibilang aku tu lipstick junkie banget!! No,no,no, kayanya bukan cuma aku deh, kebanyakan perempuan di dunia ini rasanya banyak yang tergolong lipstick junkie. Apakah kamu salah satunya beb?? Coba coba itung lipstick yang kamu punya dirumah beb, kalo lebih dari 20 pcs, welcome to the world!! Itu artinya kamu termasuk lipstick junkie!! Ehehehe
Lalu? Apa nih beb yang mendominasi koleksi lipstick kamu? Apakah lip gloss? Apakah lip matte? Lip cream? Lip serum? Lip Care? Atau lip tint?? Aku sendiri sih beragam banget sebenernya, mulai dari lip gloss yang formulanya masih ringan di bibir. Sampai lip matte yang formulanya bisa dikatakan lebih berat di bandingkan yang lain. Dan akhir-akhir ini juga aku lagi favoritin beberapa merk lipstick yang menurut aku oke banget product nya, mulai dari yang harga nya murah meriah sampai yang harganya kurang terjangkau. Penasaran apa aja? Keep on reading ya beb.
Let's talk about another favorite lippie!! I'll never run out of things to talk about lipstick, well, you can say I'm a lipstick junkie! I don't think it's just me, though, most of the girls in the world are lipstick junkie, are you one of them? Let's count how many lipstick you have at home, babes. If you have more than 20, welcome to them world!! That means you are a lipstick junkie, hehe.
So, Which type of lipstick dominates your collection? is it lipgloss? lip matte? lip cream? lip serum? lip care, or lip tint? I have a bunch of them, actually. Starting from lip mattes which has a lot heavier formula than the others/ And lately, I've been in favor of some lipstick brands which i think are quite awesome, from the ones that are affordable to the pricy ones as well. curious to see which ones? Keep on reading, babes.
So, Which type of lipstick dominates your collection? is it lipgloss? lip matte? lip cream? lip serum? lip care, or lip tint? I have a bunch of them, actually. Starting from lip mattes which has a lot heavier formula than the others/ And lately, I've been in favor of some lipstick brands which i think are quite awesome, from the ones that are affordable to the pricy ones as well. curious to see which ones? Keep on reading, babes.
Pasti tau donk yaa dengan brand kawakan satu ini, nah beberapa waktu lalu juga ngeluarin Hi-Matte lip cream nih beb, banyak banget yang penasaran dan aku termasuk salah satu dari orang yang penasaran itu wkwkwk. Kebetulan aku dapet semua shades nya dan warnanya emang cakep-cakep banget di bibir.
The one and only lip gloss I ever had. Yess aku emang jarang banget sih pake lip gloss untuk keseharian. Untuk itulah product lip gloss aku masih bisa di hitung jari, sebenernya ga cuma punya satu banget sih, ada beberapa lip gloss lain-nya yang aku punya, cuma lupa naro di mana, gatau emang udah aku kasiin ke beberapa temen yang sering main kerumah. Jadilah yang terlihat mata cuma satu ini beb, maapkan hehehe.
Nama nya adalah Rivera Moisture Glow Lip Gloss, sebenernya mereka keluarin 3 shades, tapi aku penasaran banget sama shades 01 Goergeous Red yang menurut aku warnanya kece parah!!!. Cocok banget nih dipake saat summer kaya gini biar lebih glowing gimanaaa gitu kan.
Packaging-nya bagus, terbuat dari plastik yang menurut aku cukup tebal dan ga gampang pecah [mudah-mudahan ya, tapi jujur loh ini lip gloss sering banget jatoh dan tahan banting!!]. Yang aku suka itu busa di aplikatornya lembut banget dibanding busa aplikator yang ada di product lain, entah emang karena ini lip gloss jadi berasa lembut banget di bibir saat di aplikasikan.
Satu lagi yang membuat aku jatuh hati sama product ini, formula nya yang mengandung shimmer dan ga lebay, pas banget dan bikin bibir kita terlihat lebih sehat. Kan ada tuh ya beberapa product lip gloss yang bikin kita keliatan kek [kayak -red] abis makan gorengan, duh bukanya keliatan sehat malah kaya yang belepotan gitu, sedih kalo nemu product kaya gitu.
The one and only lip gloss i ever had. Yes, it's true that I don't really use lip gloss daily. That is why I don't have too many lip gloss products. I do have some others, but I forgot where I put them. I probably already gave them to my friends. So I only have this one in sight, sorry.
The lip gloss is Rivera Moisture Glow Lip Gloss. They actually release 3 shades, but I got really curious over this one shade, 01 Gorgeous Red which I think has a rad color! It's so suitable to use in this summer vibe for the glowing effect
The lip gloss is Rivera Moisture Glow Lip Gloss. They actually release 3 shades, but I got really curious over this one shade, 01 Gorgeous Red which I think has a rad color! It's so suitable to use in this summer vibe for the glowing effect
Satu lagi yang membuat aku jatuh hati sama product ini, formula nya yang mengandung shimmer dan ga lebay, pas banget dan bikin bibir kita terlihat lebih sehat. Kan ada tuh ya beberapa product lip gloss yang bikin kita keliatan kek [kayak -red] abis makan gorengan, duh bukanya keliatan sehat malah kaya yang belepotan gitu, sedih kalo nemu product kaya gitu.
It has nice packaging, made out of plastic, which I think is quite secure and safe from impact (It fell a lot of times and survived from them). My favorite thing about it is its applicator brush which feels a lot softer than other products. It's probably why the lip gloss feels so soft on your lips
The other thing about this lip gloss is its shimmering formula, which makes our lips look a lot healthier. There are actually some products that make our lips look like we just ate a bunch of deep fried food. Instead of making our lips look healthy, they make our lips look messy. Kinda sad to find products like that.
The other thing about this lip gloss is its shimmering formula, which makes our lips look a lot healthier. There are actually some products that make our lips look like we just ate a bunch of deep fried food. Instead of making our lips look healthy, they make our lips look messy. Kinda sad to find products like that.
Siapa sih yang ge kenal sama lip matte cream di dunia per-lipstick-an? Iya ga? Akhir-akhir ini lip matte cream ini emang lagi banyak banget di gandrungi para lipstick junkie. Banyak banget brand yang berlomba-lomba meluncurkan lip matte sebagai product andalannya. Favorit kamu dari brand mana nih beb?? Jujur sih, banyak banget lip matte cream yang jadi favorit aku. Mau tau apa aja???
Who's not familiar with lip matte cream in the lipstick world? guess not. Lately, lip matte cream has been the one to gi for lip junkie. There are a lot of brands that push lip matte as its main product. Which brand is your fave girl? To be honest, there are a lot of lip cream mattes that i like. Wanna no which one they are??
Aku kenal sama brand lokal ini sekitar bulan Februari 2018 lalu, dan jujur langsung jatuh cinta sama formulanya yang ringan di bibir. Dari segi packaging juga lucu banget dengan bentuk nya yang pipih, jadi bisa diselipin di tas even di dompet sekalipun.
Posy sendiri ngeluarin 5 shades untuk lip matte cream-nya, dan aku baru nyobain 2 shades yaitu wrath dan pride. Oya semua shades nya udah BPOM looh, jadi kamu ga perlu khawatir ya beb, ini udah pasti aman kooo.
Harganya sendiri emang lumayan mahal untuk ukuran lokal, tapi bener sih yang namanya harga itu ga bohong karena emang kualitasnya bagus banget kalo menurut aku.
Kalo penasaran sama review lengkapnya bisa loh mampir ke postingan aku yang ngebahas soal POSY Beauty ini.
I've known this local brand since February this year. And I fell in love instantly with its light-on-the-lips formula. I also like its cute slender packaging, which you can easily slip into your purse, even your wallet!
Possy releases 5 shades for its lip matte cream, and I have tried two of them, wrath and prife. All of their shades are BPOM certified, so you don't have to worry, they are completely safe
The price is quite expensive for local standard. But it speaks for itself, the quality of this product is outstanding.
If you want to find out more, check out this article I made about POSY here.
Possy releases 5 shades for its lip matte cream, and I have tried two of them, wrath and prife. All of their shades are BPOM certified, so you don't have to worry, they are completely safe
The price is quite expensive for local standard. But it speaks for itself, the quality of this product is outstanding.
If you want to find out more, check out this article I made about POSY here.
Pasti tau donk yaa dengan brand kawakan satu ini, nah beberapa waktu lalu juga ngeluarin Hi-Matte lip cream nih beb, banyak banget yang penasaran dan aku termasuk salah satu dari orang yang penasaran itu wkwkwk. Kebetulan aku dapet semua shades nya dan warnanya emang cakep-cakep banget di bibir.
Formulanya sih menurut aku pas, ga terlalu berat dan ga terlalu ringan juga. Dari segi harga juga lumayan terjangkau, udah gitu packaging-nya pun simple, hampir sama seperti lipstick cream pada umumnya.
Dari kelima shades, aku paling suka sama yang lantana, karena aku ngerasa warnanya pas di bibir aku hehe. Kalo kamu?? Apa shades favorit kamu beb? Kalo penasaran sama swatch nya, mampir ke post aku ya, Purbasari Hi-Matte Lip Cream.
You must know this famous brand, don't you? They recently released a Hi-matte lip cream, and a lot of people are very curious about it, me included. I happen to got all of their shades and, girl, are their colors so nice on the lips.
I think the formula is just right, not too heavym but not too light either. The price is also affordable, with its simple packaging, just like any other lipstick.
From all five shades, I like Lantana the most, coz I feel that the color is just suitable for my lips. What about you? which one is your fave? If you want to find out more, check out this post about the product,
I think the formula is just right, not too heavym but not too light either. The price is also affordable, with its simple packaging, just like any other lipstick.
From all five shades, I like Lantana the most, coz I feel that the color is just suitable for my lips. What about you? which one is your fave? If you want to find out more, check out this post about the product,
Ada yang belum kenal sama brand satu ini?? Namanya Esqa Cosmetics, aku kenal sama brand satu ini semenjak doi ngeluarin product matte lip liquid yang saat itu lumayan booming. Packaging-nya hampir sama dengan lip matte pada umumnya, berbentuk tabung bulat dengan aplikator berbentuk standar dan pas di bibir.
Awal aku cobain product ini serasa lebih lengket di bibir di banding product serupa, tapi setelah beberapa jam lipstick akan set ko dan ga terasa lengket lagi. Buat kamu yang suka sama deep matte, Esqa cosmetics ini cocok banget loh, udah gitu doi juga waterprooff.
Shades nya sendiri doi ada lumayan banyak, yaitu 9 shades, dan aku baru nyobain 2 shades aja yaitu Gold Brownie dan Sassy Pink. Pada penasaran ga sih sama review lengkap nya Esqa Cosmetics ini?? Kebetulan aku belum buat review lengkapnya padahal lipstick satu ini udah lumayan lama nongkrong di rak. Soon bakalan aku review ya beb.
Anyone of you know this brand? It's called Esqa Cosmetics. I know this brand since it launched the matte lip liquid which was quite booming at that time. The packaging looks like any other lip matte. A tube with a standard applicator which suits your lips.
When I first tried this product, it feels a little sticky compared to other product, but it will set in a few hours and won't feel sticky anymore. If you like deep matte, Esqa Cosmetics is suitable. And also, it is waterproof.
The shades themselves are quite plentiful. There are 9 shades, in which 2 of them I have tried, the Gold Brownie and Sassie Pink. Are you curious of the complete review of Esqa Cosmetics? I'll make sure you know once I have it up.
When I first tried this product, it feels a little sticky compared to other product, but it will set in a few hours and won't feel sticky anymore. If you like deep matte, Esqa Cosmetics is suitable. And also, it is waterproof.
The shades themselves are quite plentiful. There are 9 shades, in which 2 of them I have tried, the Gold Brownie and Sassie Pink. Are you curious of the complete review of Esqa Cosmetics? I'll make sure you know once I have it up.
Pas awal-awal booming lip coat, jujur sih aku penasaran dan bertanya-tanya, bedanya apa sih sama lip cream matte biasanya?? Ternyata eh ternyata lip coat itu sebenernya teksturnya masih sama dengan lip cream beb, yang ngebedain lip coat dengan lip cream biasa ternyata formulanya yang lembab dan ga bikin bibir kering.
Satu-satunya lip coat yang aku punya saat ini cuma by Lizzie Parra yang shades red velvet, eh ternyata malah jadi salah satu lipstick favoritnya aku saat ini. Kenapa aku pilih shades red velvet yang warnanya sidikit anti mainstream buat di pake sehari-hari?
Gatau kenapa begitu liat swatches nya aku langsung jatuh cinta sama shades red velvet ini, jadilah aku pilih buat menambah deretan lipstick yang aku punya saat ini, emang ya perempuan kalo soal urusan lipstick ini gabisa di nego haha. Kalo kata orang sih, bibir nya cuma satu lipstick-nya sekarung. Tapi mau gimana lagi, kalo udah suka ternyata susah buat nahan diri ga nambah lipstick. ✌
When lip coat was first happening, I was curious and wondering, what's the difference between this and regular lip matte?? Well, lip coat has the same texture as lip cream, but lip coat's formula is moist and it doesn't dry your lip out.
The only lip coat I have is by Lizzie Parra, with its Red velvet shade. What's surprising is that it became my favorite lipstick. Why do I choose the Red Velvet, a color which is not really mainstream?
I don't know why, when I saw the swatches, I fell in love with Red Velvet. So I chose it in addition to all my other lipstick collections. Well, you can't negotiate on a girl's preference of her lipstick. As people said, you have only one lips, but you pack a bag full of lipsticks. But, what can I say, It's hard to keep the urge to buy more lipsticks.
The only lip coat I have is by Lizzie Parra, with its Red velvet shade. What's surprising is that it became my favorite lipstick. Why do I choose the Red Velvet, a color which is not really mainstream?

Singkat review-nya aku ngerasa pas awal-awal di pake lip coat ini terasa berat banget alias tebal di bibir. Tapi tenang beb, walaupun di awal pengaplikasian terasa tebal dan lengket di bibir, tapi lama kelamaan ini bakalan matte ko, walapun memang lip coat ini sedikit tranfer. Tapi its oke sih menurut aku, karena emang lip coat ini formulanya ga bikin bibir kering jadi memang pasti ga akan waterproof banget. Harganya untuk sebuah lip coat by Lizzie Parra ini di bandrol sebesar IDR 129.000 beb, cukup pricey ya memang, tapi boleh di coba loh buat kamu yang penasaran dengan lip coat.
To make the review short, I feel that the lip coat is pretty heavy and thick on the lips. But relax, although the initial application is thick and sticky, it will become matte, though it does quite a bit of transfering. But it's fine, since it doesn't make your lips dry, it won't really be too waterproof. The price for this lip coat is IDR 129.000 a piece. A little pricey, yes, but if you're curious, it's worth a try.
Nah itu dia beb lipstick favorit aku saat ini, adakah ada yang sama dengan lipstick favorit kamu beb? Hayu atuh di share pengalamanya selama pake brand-brand tersebut. Oya hampir aja lupa infoin kalo postingan ini merupakan bagian dari Beauty Post Collaboration bersama Komunitas kesayangan aku Beautygoers. Buat kamu yang pengen ikutan juga collab kaya gini bisa loh di follow IG nya Beautygoers biar ga ketinggalan info next collab yang tentunya dengan tema yang berbeda setiap bulannya. Jangan lupa join Facebook Group nya beb buat daftar collab nya ya, karena setiap collab link pendaftarannya bakalan di share di group.
So, those are my favorite lipsticks so far. Are there any lipsticks that you like, babes? Share your experience while using those brands with me. Ah, I almost forgot, this post is a part of the Beauty Post Collaboration with my lovelies at beautygoers. If you want to join collabs like this, you can follow our IG so you won't miss the latest collab updates with different theme every month. Don't forget to also join our Facebook Group to register for the collab, since every collab links will be shared on the group.
Aku juga ga sendirian looh, ada beberapa member yang buat post Lipstick Favorit versi mereka masing-masing, salah satunya my sweetie baby Halizah, ada yang kenal?? Si imut ini walaupun masih sekolah tapi skill makeup nya udah gabisa di ragukan lagi, always stunning!!! Cus deh kepoin artikelnya beb. Banyak hasil makeup-nya yang menginspirasi!!!
Satu lagi nih beb, buat kamu yang ga pengen ribet beli satu-satu semua product di atas, coba deh kepoin website nya Sociolla, disana lengkap loh. Semua brand bisa di beli langsung tanpa harus ngeluarin ongkir berkali-kali, hemat ongkir kan cyiiin jadinya. Udah gitu kalo kamu belanja minimal IDR 250.000 kamu bisa loh pake code voucher aku biar dapet potongan IDR 50.000, waaah lumayan banget ga sih beb?? IDR 50.000 nya bisa kamu beliin yang lain kaaaan hihihi. Masukin code SBNLAOP5 buat diskon nya ya beb.
One more thing, if you don't want to hassle buying all those products one by one, try checking out Sociolla's website, it's all completely there. All brands can be purchased without having to spend your delivery fee over and over again, it's a lot cheaper that way. And, if you shop at least IDR 250.000, you can use my code to save IDR 50.000, isn't that a steal? You can literally use that extra 50.000 for anything else! Just input the code SBNLAOP5 for the discount, babes.
by Demia Kamil
by Demia Kamil
Please don't leave your ACTIVE link
Feel free to ask for follback girls,there's beauty in numbers
Aku merasa out of date nih belum nyobain liquid lipsticknya Posy ama Esqa. Hihi.. Kalo udh masuk daftar lipstik favorit, berarti oke banget ya.. #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteini oke menurut aku beb hihihi belum tentu menurut orang lain hehehe
DeleteEsqaaaaaa duhh racun baru.. ini lagi happening banget yaa beb.. penasaran deh apalagi udh jd favorit km 😍
ayo beb cobain, kalo yang suka sama lippie waterproof pasti suka si Esqa iniii hehehe
DeleteAduuh esqaaa bagus ya beb.. aku jd pengen cobain nih..
Bagus beb kalo yang deep matte, doi salah satu yang waterproof, cuma emang aga kerasa tebel di bibir :D
DeletePingin coba lip matte esqa bnyk yg review brand lokal ini bagus #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteIya nih beb baguuuus, ayo cobaiiiin :)
DeleteAku udah pernah coba yang posy yg pride. Asli emang warnanya super kece ya. #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletewaaah iya beb suka sama warna merahnya aku jugaaa <3
DeleteKalo ngomongin lipstik favorit susah, soalnya semuanya favorit haha. Dari sekian produk yang kamu sebutin aku baru coba purbasari aja, next time bakal coba yang juga deh. Kayaknya Posy boleh tuh ^^ #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteBener banget ini beb, kalo ngomongin lipstick pengenya sih semua favorit ya :D
DeleteWaaaw shadenya suka banget mau coba😍😍
ayo cobain beeeeb hihihi
Deletembakk baca racun pagi pagi ini wkwkkww.. eh aku belom nyobain lip coat ini.. #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletelip coat bagus, ayo cobaiiiin hihihi
Deletegambar gifnya lucu banget beb. kreatif deh kamu.
ReplyDeletebtw samaan suka sama purbasari #kbbvmember
hihi maaci beeeeb.
Deletetosskita beeeb <3
akkk, kamu kok punya POSY 2 hahahaa POSY tu favorite aku :) #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletehooo iya beb, suka banget sama formulanya yang ringan <3
DeleteDari semuanya aku belum pernah cobain yang Purbasari nih. Kayaknya harus dicoba ya yang lip creamnya #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteayo cobaiiiiin lip cream nya baguuuuus hihihi
Deletewahhh semua menariiiik ini beb, duh jadi bingung ini over teracuni wkwkwk #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletehihihi posy udah coba belum beb, formulanya ringan banget
DeleteAlamak gak kuat, racun lippen nih.
hihi semoga uang THR ga abis karna khilaf ya beb :D
DeleteAku juga suka sama lip coat nya blp. Tapi penasaran nih beb sama swatchnya red velvet
ReplyDeleteSoon ya beb, aku mau buat review nyaa 😘
ReplyDeleteKita sama sama suka yg purbasari, bagus bgt produknya yaah
ReplyDeleteTosa kita beeeb, iya nih suka sama formulanya yg ga terlalu berat hehe
DeleteBanyakkk amat beb wkwkkww. Namanya juga wanita yak 😍😍😍 btw aku jadi penasaran pingin cobain esqa nyaaa 😍😍😍
ReplyDeleteBhahaha ini sebenernya masih banyak lagi beb, ini udh dipilihin wkwkw