Hallo girls, ngerasa ga sih kalo akhir-akhir ini lagi booming banget product Soothing Gel Aloe Vera yang punya berbagai macam fungsi? Sama seperti perempuan kebanyakan yang menggandrungi Aloe Vera Gel tadi, aku juga sepertinya tergoda buat nyobain si product yang katanya multi fungsi ini. Sayang nya kala itu banyak desas desus juga yang ikutan booming kalo si Soothing Gel merk X tersebut banyak yang palsu alias KW. Terpaksa ku harus mengurungkan niat mencoba karena serem banget kalo sampe dapet yang palsu, iya ga sih??
Hallo Girls, do you feel that lately, the multi-functional Aloe Vera Soothing Gel is really happening? As all other girls are, I am also curious to try this Gel. Unfortunately, there were a lot of rumors that were also happening, about the X product of Alo Vea gel being fake. So, I had to stop my intention of buying, since it would be pretty scary if i ended up getting a fake aloe vera gel, wouldn't it?